Monday, July 15, 2024

Update These Popular Software Brands Before 2025

Do you use Microsoft 10 or the desktop version of QuickBooks?

These popular software brands have announced that they’re going to either discontinue updates for their current versions, or will no longer allow new users to download desktop versions of their software. 

Here’s what you need to know: 

Microsoft is Ending Support for Windows 10 in Fall of 2025

According to Microsoft, Windows 10 will reach it’s end of support on October 14, 2025. The current version will be the final version, and all editions will remain in support with monthly security updates until then. 

How will this affect you?

With the risk of cybersecurity threats evolving faster and faster as time goes on, it’s not wise to run unsupported software that isn’t receiving timely security updates. There is still a good chunk of time before this deadline approaches, but it’s always a good idea to stay ahead of the curve.

It’s also important to keep in mind that many older computers are not compatible with Windows 11 so upgrading systems might involve purchasing a new computer. If you need help with these updates, or finding a new computer that will accommodate Windows 11, give us a call! 

Intuit Will Stop Selling New Licenses for QuickBooks by End of July 2024 

Intuit has announced that after July 31, 2024 they will no longer sell new subscriptions of the following products to U.S. subscribers: QuickBooks Desktop Pro Plus, QuickBooks Desktop Premier Plus, and QuickBooks Desktop Mac Plus. 

Instead, they’re encouraging old and new subscribers to switch to QuickBooks Online. Many users have shared that the online version is completely different and not nearly as user friendly as the desktop version.  

Existing customers will not be impacted by the change, which is why we strongly encourage you to purchase or update the desktop version before the end of the month. This will ensure that you are using an active, supported version so that you’ll continue receiving the latest security patches and updates. 

Our Computer Service in Ann Arbor Can Answer Your Questions On Updating Your Software!

With Microsoft ending support for Windows 10 in 2025 and Intuit discontinuing new licenses for QuickBooks Professional Desktop version at the end of the month, now is the perfect time to start planning for these transitions. 

If you’re searching for a computer service in Ann Arbor to help you get ahead of the curve contact us today to get started!

Monday, July 1, 2024

The Impact of Unsupported Software

What did you do the last time you received a notification that it’s time to update your software? 

If you ignored it, you’re not alone. Many people don’t want to be bothered by taking the time to install these updates. However, many are not be aware of the negative impact this causes to the security, functionality, and online performance of their websites. 

Here are some reasons why you should update your unsupported software: 

Security Risks

One of the most important reasons to update your software is to keep your website safe from cybersecurity threats. When your system stops receiving security updates, it becomes vulnerable to new and evolving cyber threats like viruses, malware, and ransomware. Not only will this put your website at risk, but it can also cause your personal information to be compromised.


Software updates aren’t just about security, they also address bugs and glitches that cause crashes, freezes, and slow performance. By updating your software, your software will run smoothly and efficiently, which will save you time and frustration later down the road. 

Online Presence

Outdated websites can deter viewers, harm search engine rankings, and fail to provide an efficient user experience. In addition to updating your website, if you’re interested in improving your online presence further, our sister company Michigan SEO Group specializes in improving search engine rankings.

Learn more in our latest article!

Call Our Computer Service in Ann Arbor and We’ll Update Your Security Software! 

Taking action by updating your software now will save you from running into security threats and user experience issues later down the road, allowing you to plan for a more efficient future. 

If you’re searching for a computer service in Ann Arbor to partner with, contact us today and we’ll help you get started.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Best Practices for Network Security for Small Businesses

Have your employees received adequate training on safeguarding your network security?

Unlike larger businesses who are equipped with IT departments and advanced security measures, most small businesses lack these resources rendering them vulnerable targets for cybercriminals.

We’d like to help you educate your team on effective network security practices. We provide a free Internet Security Guide available to download free here, designed to assist you in educating your team on cyber threats and what steps you can take to prevent future breaches to your network.

Here are some important measures to take to make sure you’re keeping your network safe:

Don’t Hit “Ignore”, Install Your Updates!

Small businesses often handle sensitive customer data like bank account information, credit card numbers, usernames, and passwords.

A data breach not only jeopardizes your customer’s trust, but it can also result in severe financial and legal consequences for your business. That’s why it’s important to make sure your technology is up to date with all security patches.

Even though it may feel inconvenient, when these programs prompt you to install updates, it’s crucial to do so because if you keep hitting “ignore” your technology will become outdated and an easy target for hackers.

Change Your Passwords on a Regular Basis

While the “forgot password” link is helpful in many cases when you lose an important password, it can also be harmful. If a hacker can successfully use this to access your email, then they can gain access to all your other passwords.

Never use the same password for anything and create strong passwords that you change on a regular basis. A strong password contains at least 8 characters with a mixture of upper- case and lower-case letters, numbers, and punctuation.

If your system supports it, turning on 2-factor authentication is another smart way to keep your passwords safe and avoid being hacked.

Learn more in our latest article

Follow Advice from a Computer Service in Ann Arbor to Keep Your Network Safe

Small business owners need to take network security training seriously to protect their computers, passwords, and sensitive data. Download our free guide here to use as a reference when training your employees on best practices for network security.

If you would like to work with a computer service in Ann Arbor to ensure your data always stays backed up and protected, contact us today and we’ll help get you started!


Saturday, June 1, 2024

Scammer’s Most Effective Attack Vector is Tricking Small Businesses

Are you an entrepreneur managing a small business?

Scamming is becoming a big business and criminals are becoming better at it than ever before. It used to be easy to spot scams a mile away due to poor grammar and spelling but it’s no longer as obvious. This is why it’s important to be sure your employees know which signs to watch out for!

We’re dedicated to help you empower your employees with the best practices in business network security. We offer a complementary Internet Security Guide available to download here, created to assist you in navigating cybersecurity threats effectively to keep your businesses protected. 

Stay Vigilant

Yes, scammers can hack into your network through software bugs and viruses, however their most effective method of attack is to trick you and your employees. 

If your staff has a high turnover rate, new hires, or part-time employees, you must be careful and be sure that everyone on your team receives proper training to keep themselves and your business safe. 

Scammers can trick you or target your less experienced staff by “phishing.” This is a scam tactic where scammers send emails disguised as legitimate entities like the government, banks, or well-known companies to try and trick people into revealing sensitive information like passwords, financial information, or personal data. These emails often contain urgent requests using phrasing like, “this is your final notice,” or enticing offers to promote quick action by exploiting human curiosity or fear. 

Tips to Share with Your Staff: 

Your financial institution will never ask for your login or personal information via email. 

Be cautious clicking on links attached to emails. If it seems suspicious, visit the site by manually entering the URL instead of clicking the link.

Never open attachments from unknown sources.

If you receive a phone call that feels like a scam claiming to be a legitimate source, hang up and call them back on a known phone number to verify their identity.

Never click on pop-ups on your computer telling you that you are infected. 

Read our latest article to learn more! 

Avoid Falling for Scams with the Help of a Computer Service in Ann Arbor 

Set your employees up for success by providing them with network security training to keep themselves, and your business safe. 

If you need help getting started, download our complementary internet security guide here, or contact our Computer Service in Ann Arbor to learn more about protecting your data.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Why Monitoring and Maintenance Programs Are Essential

How are you keeping your network secure?

Are you relying 100% on your free antivirus for your business’s safety?

Relying solely on free antivirus software or irregular manual checks is like leaving your doors unlocked in a high-crime area. To truly protect your data, you must have a plan. 

Our clients who opt out of enrolling in our monitoring and maintenance plans say things like, 

“I’ll do it myself” 

“It’s too expensive” 

“I don’t need backups” 

While they have good intentions, 99% of the time life gets busy and they’re focused on growing their business, and this task tends to slip their minds. Before they know it, a year has gone by without any updates to their site and then we receive a panicked call that they have been hacked. 

The Cost of Recovery Far Exceeds the Investment of Prevention

You may think to yourself, “what’s the worst that could happen?” 

Well, the aftermath of a ransomware attacks involves not just financial losses, but also reputational damage and operational disruptions. Suddenly, the upfront expense of monitoring and maintenance plans pales in comparison to the potential consequences of not taking the proper precautions. 

Another analogy for this is closing the stable door after your horse has already bolted. Monitoring and maintenance programs offer a proactive approach by continuously evaluating your systems, updating defenses, and ensuring your back-ups are effective so your data remains safe. 

Learn more in our latest article

Safeguard Your Business with a Computer Service in Ann Arbor 

Cybersecurity is not a matter to be taken lightly. It’s imperative to invest in proactive measures to shield your business from the devastating impacts of ransomware and other security threats. 

Don’t wait until it’s too late! 

Partner with a computer service in Ann Arbor like Network Services Group to fortify your defenses and safeguard your network. 

Contact us today to get started.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Out Dated Systems Are Low-Hanging Fruit For Cybercriminals

When was the last time you backed-up your computer?

In our experience, 99% of people who turn down our monitoring and maintenance programs and say, “I’ll do it myself” won’t actually to it themselves, or if they do, they don’t do it consistently. 

While they have good intentions, when life gets busy and they’re focused on growing their business, this task could slip their mind and before they know it, a year has gone by without an update and their computer is at high risk. 

If you find yourself questioning the cost and need of these programs, know that if your data is not backed up, monitored, and protected consistently, you could be in for a rude awakening should hackers strike. 

Outdated Systems are Low-Hanging Fruit for Cybercriminals 

Putting yourself in the mind of a criminal: would you rather rob the house with the, “Beware Dog” sign or find an easier target? 

Outdated systems are easy to hack, which is why pairing monitoring and maintenance programs, comprehensive backup solutions, and business class antivirus solutions will create a multi-layered approach in your computer’s line of security. 

We recognize the critical role in safeguarding businesses against ransomware and security threats. Our comprehensive solutions offer proactive monitoring, robust backup capabilities, timely updates, and reliable antivirus protection, ensuring your business remains resilient against cybercriminals. 

Don’t wait until disaster strikes – prioritize your security today and empower your business to thrive online. 

Read more in our latest article

Secure Your Website with a Computer Service in Ann Arbor 

Cybersecurity is not a matter to be taken lightly. It’s imperative to invest in proactive measures to shield your business from the devastating impacts of ransomware and other security threats. 

Don’t wait until it’s too late! 

Partner with a computer service in Ann Arbor like Network Services Group to fortify your defenses and safeguard your data. 

Contact us today to get started. 

Monday, April 15, 2024

Rank Higher on Google by Custom-Building a Website with Network Services Group

The beauty of WordPress lies in the power to easily change the look of your site by installing themes and plug-ins. This also is the most frightening thing about WordPress. Popular themes and plug-ins are at risk should hackers ever discover any an unexpected vulnerabilities. 

This along with several other factors are why custom-built sites are a smarter option. Learn more about the great benefits of a custom-built website from our Webmaster, Autumn Mahoney, and Web Developer Dan Holland:

Search Engine Friendly

Custom-built websites typically rank higher in search results than WordPress sites. This can result in better leads and more traction to your site. 

Google constantly changes how it evaluates websites for search engine placement. Even if a website was well-built in the past, it doesn’t mean it will remain in good standing as new standards are imposed. 

Our sister company Michigan SEO Group consistently monitors how users find your site and tweaks keyword usage for superior optimization. This paired with our updates, ensures your site ranks higher in search results. 

Faster Service

Our tech support’s consistent monitoring of your site results in faster loading times and better compatibility with mobile devices, modern browsers, and software. Websites are most effective when treated as a living system that needs ongoing care and attention. We see plenty of folks who hire someone to build a site, that then sits untouched until it’s broken, slow, and outdated by modern standards just a few years later.

We constantly follow technical advances with the experience to know when to take advantage of new possibilities and security advances – all while being discerning enough to know what works without chasing trends. 

Enjoy Customized IT Solutions Near Ann Arbor with Network Services Group

We’re eager to build custom solutions to help our partner companies take advantage of web-based technology, while providing security, SEO, speed and convenience. 

We would love to talk with you about ways we could do the same for you! If you are seeking IT solutions near Ann Arbor, submit a contact form today to get started.

Update These Popular Software Brands Before 2025

Do you use Microsoft 10 or the desktop version of QuickBooks? These popular software brands have announced that they’re going to either disc...